Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Couch to 5k

At long last I get to run!

My last run before learning I was pregnant was at the end of July.  It was 5 miles.  The one before that was 15.  I made one attempt to run around 9 weeks pregnant after my doctor said I could do some light jogging.  But 5 weeks off & hormones weakening my joints made me take an official hiatus.  Hopefully with the next pregnancy I'll be able to continue running.  I'd especially love to run a race, even just a 5k, with a big ol' pregnant belly!

I decided as I get back on the wagon again that I would give the Couch to 5k program a try.  In the past I've done my own thing, a walk/run-type training much like C25k.  But this time I want to try something that's helped non-runners become runners.  I want to see just how good (or bad) the program is. 

So I'm entering it mentally as a runner but physically as a newbie.  It's weird to do something like this considering I've completed a marathon.  But 9 months of growing a human & then pushing out that human puts a toll on any body no matter how active they've been. 

After the 9 weeks are up I'll give my review (assuming anyone is actually interested in my opinion).  I'm doing the running portions at a 10 min. pace which is faster than I ever ran before, at least anything other than sprints.  If this works after 9 weeks I should be able to run 3 whole miles at a 10 min. pace.  Ultimately I want to run a 5k under 30 min. which means I still need to be even faster but we'll take it one step at a time.

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