- She smiles at us all the time & "talks" & coos a lot.
- She's learned to roll over from her tummy to her back.
- When she's on her tummy there's a lot less fussing because she's holding herself so well now. You can tell she likes it because she's able to look around or if I give her a toy she can play with it.
- She's learning to reach out for things. When she lays on her activity mat she grabs hold of some of the toys hanging down.
- Tomorrow is her 4 month well visit so I don't know her stats yet. I do know that she's over 12 pounds though. And so long! She's been wearing 6 month clothes for a while now & already seems to be outgrowing the sleepers. When she stretches her legs the sleeper isn't tight but definitely running out of room. But other clothes like onsies are really lose. So I think her length is all in her legs. This she did not get from her momma!
- She's still sleeping in our room but will be moving to her room very soon. We've had a busy month & I'd like to get us back in our old routine before I make the big switch. She's been sleeping through the night for a while now so I know she's ready. I don't think I am though. I cried the first night we moved Shaylin out & I'm sure I'll do the same with Jillian.
- Although I don't intend to introduce solid foods to her for another 2 months, I'm going to start researching how I want to go about it. I'm strongly considering skipping all the cereals altogether, or at least skip rice cereal.
With Jillian turning 4 months today it also makes me reflect on her birth, or more specifically my birth experience. In some ways I feel like I shouldn't be too amazed that I did it all natural seeing how that's how it was done for hundreds of years. But I am amazed! I accomplished a goal that was very important to me. And it really has made me feel like a stronger person since coming out of it. It's also given me such a passion for natural birth. I read so many articles posted from some Facebook groups that I follow & just eat it up. I don't know if God may someday have me to work in the birthing field but my interest in definitely peaked.
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