Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's Next?

Hey Shelly!  Now that you've completed a marathon, what are you going to do next?

Well, I'm not going to Disney World.

For one thing, I'm still going to run.  Yesterday was my first run since the marathon.  I probably could have run at some point last week but a stomach flu took over our house so I didn't do much at all the whole week.  There may have been a tiny bit of lingering fatigue that made yesterday's run a little difficult.  But I wanted to finish 3 miles & I got it done.

My plan now is just to increase my pace.  I would like to be able to run a 5k (3.16 miles) under 30 minutes.  To do that I have to cut down my current pace by 2 minutes per mile!  There is a 5k I may consider doing at the end of February.  But it will depend on my pace.  Most 5k's are pretty crowded & this one is no exception.  So if I'm going to do one I want it to be worth my while.  Ok, worth my money.  But this gives me a little over 4 months to get there & considering I went from giving birth to running a marathon in 8 months, this goal is very possible.

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