Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resolutions

When I was younger I would come up with resolutions.  Then I got older & realized I don't really stick to them very well.  But I'm going to try again.  Maybe if I don't set too many resolutions or set them too high I won't fail!

1.  I want to run a 5k under 30 minutes.  There's a race in February I'll be doing but I don't know if I'll meet my goal that soon.  If not, there will be other races.

2.  I will try to blog more often.  Shaylin is growing everyday & I know that the older she gets there will be cute & funny stories to share. 

3.  We are determined to be debt-free by the end of 2011.  There will be sacrifices but in the end it will be worth it.

That's all I've got.  Three resolutions should be easy to keep, right?

What are your resolutions, if any?

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